The Lincoln Motor Company and Lincoln Automotive Financial Services share the same client-centric mindset. We focus on providing financial options as individual as our drivers. And we offer programs and tools like our Account Manager, designed with a true respect for your schedule and unique preferences. We also provide you with unparalleled access to exclusive offers and incentives on new Lincoln vehicles.
New and Certified Pre-Owned Lincoln vehicles come with many advatanges:
When purchasing, here are exclusive Lincoln Automotive Financial Services programs to consider:
In the event of vehicle loss, this optional coverage steps in when insurance proceeds do not satisfy your contract balance. GAP Coverage Protects Your Vehicle Financially You've made an investment in your Lincoln and GAP Coverage was created to protect that investment. If your Lincoln is stolen and not recovered or if it's declared a total loss, your insurance company may not pay enough to satisfy what you still owe.
GAP Coverage is designed to bridge that gap. With certain restrictions, it waives the difference between your current outstanding balance (subject to conditions) and the actual cash value of the vehicle at the time of loss.
For an added level of protection there's GAP Advantage, which provides a $1,000 down payment on a new or pre-owned vehicle purchased at the originating dealer.
Learning about both of the plans allows you choose accordingly
GAP Coverage: Financial Protection
Against Vehicle Loss
GAP Advantage: Increased Financial
Protection Against Vehicle Loss
Flex Buy Program Utilizes two payment levels so you can plan ahead. A lower payment level earlier in the contract, followed by a higher level.
There are a number of reasons to chooose Red Carpet Lease:
We offer eight lease mileage options to suit your specific needs. Choose from 7,500 to 19,500 miles per year. Drive more than 19,500 miles per year? You have the opportunity to secure more when you initiate your lease.
Gap Protection may waive the difference - or gap - between your insurance payoff and your outstanding lease balance in the event your leased vehicle is stolen or declared a total loss. This unique benefit is built into your lease. With Gap Protection, provided you have the insurance required by your lease agreement, you are only responsible for the insurance deductible and amounts owing (ex. past due payments) at the time of the incident. Certain restrictions may apply.
We offer our clients the opportunity to prepay all monthly lease payments up front in a single, one-time payment. This allows you to drive without giving monthly payments another thought. Keep in mind, lease-end obligations still apply.
If you have any questions about whether financing or purchasing is right for you, don't hesitate to contact us at